Most of the times, the answer is yes! Want to show your instagram feed? Just use the ready made template. Want to do something more complex, like display production data from multiple data sources? Give us a call and we will figure something out!
Smartsigns snapshots makes it easy to publish data from Business intelligence systems, Power BI is one of the most popular.
Smartsigns URL-wizard makes it easy to publish web pages on your screens.
Trigger smartsign content with webhooks! IFTT is one of the services that can be used to contol the content on your smartsign screens with webhooks.
Display the the latest posts and likes with the ready made template, or design your own!
Display the feed from your Instagram account on your screens. Only possible in our cloud service.
RSS can provide a simple way to retrieve many different kinds of data, like general news or info from intranets.
Smartsigns Template Creator has built in support for Json datasources in general.
Smartsigns Template Creator has built in support for XML datasources in general.
Smartsign sync let you import a wide variety of files for automated updates of your screen content.
Schedules from booking systems, for gyms and other establishments
Interbook go is a popular sysytem for venue bookings.
Trafiklab provides Public transport info, easily displayed in a smartsign template.
Smartsign is perfect for displaying Energy dashboards from systems like Momentum
Producion data from different datasources.
Connect a Microsoft Account and display primary messages from your Teams Channel chat.
Publish weekly weather forecasts for your location. With customiseable appearance to suit your screens.
The above information is just a few of the possibilities to connect smartsign to external systems, contact us today, and we will be happy to tell you more!