October 7, 2021

The value of digital signage in the post pandemic workspace

While everyone agrees, the recent global pandemic is not over; we are all trying to head back to work in some form or fashion. Enter the so-called “Hybrid Workspace,” and while I am not going to try and define that in this article, I will say that it is not a trend but a new defining era for organizations and employees alike.

It makes no difference if you are working in a large corporate, a small retail shop, a factory, or even a warehouse; the ability to share real-time information with your teams and employees is more critical than ever. Digital Signage is now affordable, easy to deploy, easy to use, and improves business communications within your workspace.

Healthy and effective communication with your organization is key to the well-being of your workforce. In recent times, corporates have reported that more than 50 percent of their communications depend on a digital channel. This optimized format of internal communication leads to a 25 percent increase in productivity.

A recent study published by Fortune Magazine stated that the stock prices of the companies listed in their “100 Best Companies to Work for” rose 14% per year from 1998 to 2005, while companies not on the list only reported a 6% increase.

There are certain key areas where a Digital Signage platform can help you achieve a happy, well-informed team; below are my top tips for keeping your workforce engaged:

Mikes top 7 for keeping your workforce engaged:

1) Company Social Media
With real-time integrations to the company social media feeds, you can keep your employees on public opinions, allow them to share comments, positive feedback, and news on achievements. By engaging with Social Media, you can foster positive relationships between colleagues. Why does this matter? Well, according to Harvard Business Review, “close work friendships boost employee satisfaction by 50%”. The report also suggests that people who work with close friends are seven times more productive in the workplace.

2) Collaboration and Team Meetings
You can add an integrated Exchange / Google Calendar solution with most major Digital Signage platforms today. Employees can benefit from knowing who is where and when saving time wandering around looking for their meeting or a space to collaborate.

3) Company Dashboards
Dashboards are great tools for keeping employees motivated by sharing data on client wins, customer satisfaction, the corporate carbon footprint, energy usage etc. You can customize the user interface and use live data feeds from verified sources to help curate your statistics.

4) Don’t spam valuable news
When it comes to internal communication via email, we all need to remember a couple of specific truths relevant to our new always-online lifestyles: approximately 149,513 emails get sent every minute, and the typical employee receives around 121 emails a day. So while it is good practice for the HR/Admin teams to share updates on a new hire or the recent promotion of a team member, sharing it via email is just another email. So it is better to elevate such news above that already busy channel and use digital signage to spread positivity.

5) Use images and videos
As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and this is why when you deploy a digital signage solution, using not just images but the right images is vital. By using the right pictures curated along with the correct content, your corporate communications can encourage well-being, mindfulness and promote a stress-free working environment. Quantum Workplace, a global leader of human resources technology, defines employee engagement as “the strength of the mental and emotional connection employees feel toward their places of work.”

6) Recognize your colleagues
Recognizing the hard work of a team member or colleague should not be complicated; utilizing a digital platform to say thanks for a job well done is a must-have in any contemporary workspace. Integrate that feed with the Digital Signage platform, and let us share that positive experience with the whole company.

7) Encourage health and movement
When considering your workspace and workforce, you cannot ignore the health of your team. With a digital signage platform in place, you both remind and motivate your employees to take a walk, stretch those legs. Create a fitness challenge or goal for departments or divisions and track their progress, encouraging them to exceed their goals and stay healthy.

All in all, most experts will agree that keeping your workforce engaged in the workplace is key to profitability and productivity, and you can achieve that with good corporate communication delivered by a modern digital signage solution.

Mike Gopal, Smartsign sales in Dubai

Mike Gopal
Smartsign sales, Middle East
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