April 28, 2020

Webinar – Design interactivity

Design Interactivity in Smartsign Display Manager

13 of May, AM 9:30 CET (SummerTime)

Interactivity can engage your audience and help you communicate in an effective way. Join our design interactivity webinar and learn how your Smartsign screen layouts can become interactive. The trigger functions takes digital signage interactivity a step beyond touchscreens!

The design interactivity webinar will include:

• Everything starts at the sketchboard
• Defining triggers
• Preparing the menu using Template creator
• Preparing contents using channels
• Creating a suitable screen layout
• Giving user access to trigger functions
• Touch, Keyboard, Mouse triggered interactivity
• Smartsign Remote
• Trigger content using Webhooks

You can prepare yourself by reading on screen layouts and triggers in the Smartsign Admin Guide.

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